Validian Dazzlin Decadence

GC Validian A Dazzlin Sky
CE White

CH Topknott Razzle Dazzle of Validian
CE White
Tombrock American Dream of Topknott
Belgiangulch's Miss Hestation

Validian's Vanilla Sky, DM
CE White

Artemis Shooting Stars of Validain
CH Revillion Papillion of Validian

Windy Valley's Dioressence of Validian
CE White
GC RW Haendel's Revolution of Windy Valley
Haendel's Matrix
GC DW Noblessa's Cutie Pie of Haendel
CH Lox-Nott Miss Dior of Windy Valley
Cream Tabby
GC NW Lox-Nott Louboutin
GC NW Boberan'sMy Fair Lady of Lox-Nott

GC Windy Valley's Midnight Kiss

GC Tehy Bagheera of Windy Valley

GC Fanci FX Oscar Mayer of Tehy
Brown Mackeral Tabby

GC RW Fanci FX Tequilia Sunrise, DM
GC Tehy Stars 'N Stripes of Fanci FX, DM
GC Kelsha Spirit Way of Tehy
GC NW Kelsha Great Bear, DM
GC Tehy's Hope, DM
GC Persipals Henna of Windy Valley
GC RW Cinema's Abracadabra of Persipals
Brown Makeral Tabby-White
Artemis Dream Maker of Cinema
Topcattery Pearl of Cinema
GC BW RW Fumage Fatal Beauty of Persipals
Blue Smoke
GC Nanc-C Jungle Joe of Top Shelf
GC Jovan Femme Fatale of Fumage